When do I need maternity bras?
Your breasts will certainly grow bigger during your pregnancy. Should you buy maternity bras? Are there alternatives? Read on for more options. Breast changes Breast changes are to be expected...
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Your breasts will certainly grow bigger during your pregnancy. Should you buy maternity bras? Are there alternatives? Read on for more options. Breast changes Breast changes are to be expected...
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Being pregnant is a joyous time. Unfortunately, with every pregnancy, there is a possibility that a miscarriage might occur. Miscarriages can occur anytime in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy....
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Varicose veins can develop while you are pregnant, or if you already have varicose veins, they may worsen. They are definitely not dangerous, and the good news is that they...
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Preeclampsia is worrying, but if treated early, both you and your baby will be fine. It affects a small percentage of women every year. Preeclampsia is defined as a combination...
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Yeast infection, also known as thrush, is a common feminine infection, and it can occur while you are pregnant. Signs of yeast infection When you are pregnant, there is increased...
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Piles or haemorrhoids can occur in about half of all pregnancies. They are very uncomfortable but usually pose no danger to mother or baby. Signs of piles or haemorrhoids If...
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Colustrum is something your body naturally produces in your third trimester of pregnancy, and is absolutely no cause for worry. Signs of colustrum If your breasts are leaking a yellowish...
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Edema is common in pregnant women. About three-quarters of women will experience edema during their pregnancy. There is no cause for alarm, and it can be managed with some simple...
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Pelvic girdle pain is something that many pregnant women will experience at some point in time in their pregnancy. If you have a history of lower-back pain or regularly do...
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Pregnancy insomnia is not uncommon, and can happen at any stage of the pregnancy. Even if you have never had insomnia before, chances are that you will experience some insomnia...
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Morning sickness is something that nearly every pregnant mother goes through, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. This generally tapers off as you enter your second trimester. Signs of...
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You may have heard the myth that when you are pregnant, you are “eating for two”. That's not really true! While you do have a new life growing inside of...
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With any pregnancy, you are bound to gain some weight. After all, you have a new life growing inside of you! Some of you may not be certain of how...
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