How will my baby latch on for breastfeeding?
You may be having difficulty getting your baby to latch on for breastfeeding. If you do, read on to find out how you can help make breastfeeding a fuss-free, and...
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You may be having difficulty getting your baby to latch on for breastfeeding. If you do, read on to find out how you can help make breastfeeding a fuss-free, and...
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Sometimes, you may not be able to directly breastfeed your baby. In these instances, your baby can still continue receiving your expressed breastmilk. Expressing your breastmilk simply means pumping out...
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Natural production of milk Your breasts have what are called mammary glands that produce breastmilk. The mammary glands are made up of alveoli, ductules and milk ducts. The alveoli are...
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How much milk does my baby need? Your newborn is very small, so it makes sense that your newborn's stomach is also tiny. On Day 1, the stomach can hold...
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It is understandable that you would want to lose all the weight that you've put on while pregnant as soon as possible, and regain your pre-pregnancy body. However, it is...
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For all the benefits that breastfeeding give to both mothers and babies, there seem to be many off-putting myths that shroud this natural life-giving act. 1. Many women do not...
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Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your baby has problems latching on. It can be frustrating, but it is not impossible for your baby to successfully latch on with some help....
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Post delivery, after your baby is thoroughly dried, your baby should be placed, tummy facing you, on the skin of your chest with a prewarmed blanket covered across your baby’s...
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Breastfeeding provides babies with essential nutrition they need to grow and develop healthily. It also has benefits for the mothers! Benefits of breastfeeding for babies Breastmilk provides the right balance...
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Immediately after birth If you had a natural vaginal delivery, your baby will be cleaned, then covered with a blanket to keep warm. At this time, the umbilical cord will...
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