- have vaginal bleeding or discharge
- have cramps or pain in your lower abdomen
- no longer have earlier symptoms of pregnancy like morning sickness.
How common are miscarriages? What are the warning signs?

babyadmin |
Being pregnant is a joyous time. Unfortunately, with every pregnancy, there is a possibility that a miscarriage might occur. Miscarriages can occur anytime in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. An early miscarriage takes place in the first 12 to 14 weeks. It is more common than a late miscarriage.
About 15 – 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. However, the actual percentage is probably much higher as many miscarriages occur so early in pregnancy that a woman doesn’t even know she is pregnant.
Although surprisingly common, miscarriages can be difficult to deal with, often leaving a woman feeling angry and deeply sad.
Signs of a miscarriage
There is a possibility that you've had a miscarriage if you