What can I do if I am nauseous?

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Morning sickness is something that nearly every pregnant mother goes through, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. This generally tapers off as you enter your second trimester.
Signs of morning sickness
If you are vomitting or feeling nauseous, you are experiencing morning sickness. “Morning sickness” is a bit of a misnomer, so do not expect to only be nauseous in the morning! This can unfortunately happen at any time of the day, and sometimes throughout the day.
Causes of morning sickness
It's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of morning sickness.
You are probably feeling nauseous because of the hormonal changes that come with your pregnancy. Hormones like hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estrogen are rapidly increasing in your bloodstream in the first trimester, and may be the triggers for nausea.
Another cause of morning sickness might be your heightened sense of smell and taste. It is common for pregnant women to be more sensitive to smells and tastes, and something that smells strong might trigger the gag reflex which contributes to the feeling of nausea or causes vomitting.
Risks of morning sickness
Morning sickness is to be expected in any pregnancy, so there is no real danger if you are feeling nauseous or throwing up as you go through your pregnancy. Do take a prenatal multivitamin to help ensure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need if you are finding it hard to keep your food down.
If you find that you are experiencing severe vomitting over an extended period of time, your baby will not be getting all the nutrients needed to grow healthily. In this case, do consult your doctor for the best course of action.
Steps to minimize morning sickness
Sucking on a preggie pop, which is a naturally flavoured lollipop made for pregnant women can help to soothe. It can also moisten a dry mouth, and provide quick calories for energy when nausea makes eating unpalatable.
You could also deal with morning sickness using methods for normal nausea, such as taking mylanta, an over-the-counter drug to keep nausea at bay, or wear a sea sickness band.
At home, freshly brewed ginger tea could help to settle your stomach. This is because it stimulates your central nervous system to release chemicals that make your stomach feel calmed. A strong ginger candy could also do the trick.
Crackers are especially good for preventing morning sickness, as it fills your stomach a little so that the stomach acids don't churn and cause you to feel nauseous. While bland food may be the last thing you crave, the little flavour they have means they won't trigger nausea.